Work Order List


View/Create tasks on the PC or iPhone and Android
Easily track work orders by department or person
Visually see if a work order is past due
Easily drill down and route work orders by person, zip, type, or zone
Create recurring work orders.  Great for PM's and more!
Routes and service techs can create task right from their PDA!
Upon completing a task an email notification can be sent to the customer
You can complete a task and bill it directly into QuickBooks
Every completed task is saved in customer history billed or unbilled
Drag and drop work orders, view by day, week or month


Task Entry


Task Entry Capabilities

Assign a task/work order to a person or to a department
Customer color coded by our ranking system
Check schedule availability to see when someone will be in that area
Easily create a map and driving directions to this location
Script call by type to ensure the person answering the phone can get as much information as possible
See how many times customer has called on this same issue
Enter task specific notes to chronical everything that happened on the call
If created to a person with a PDA/Smartphone task will show on their device
Upon completion task can be emailed to customer
Create tasks to manage outside vendors like subcontractors and more